Tax Advisory

The changes in the tax and regulatory environment constantly challenge large and growing businesses, particularly those operating internationally.
How your business meets this challenge can have a significant impact on your bottom line. The more your business grows, the more complex tax requirements can become.
At AJL Business Solutions, we provide tax advisory and regulatory service in India and can help you minimize your tax exposure and highlight the risks presented by constantly evolving and increasingly complex legislation. Drawing on our knowledge and understanding of tax regimes in India and around the world, we offer timely information and independent advice.

Our Comprehensive suite of Tax and Regulatory Services in India Includes the Following:

  • Tax returns

  • GST compliance – registrations, returns, refunds, etc

  • Service Tax

  • Customs, VAT, Luxury Tax, Excise Duties

  • Tax assessment, representation, and litigations

  • Minimum Alternate Tax

  • Dividend Distribution Tax

  • International Taxation — Transfer pricing, Expat Taxation

  • Tax Audits

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